
What is not allowed?

What is not allowed?

SellFree’s priority is to ensure that our community remains safe for all members. We do not allow the sale of anything illegal or dangerous. We also prohibit certain items at the request of our community. If we feel you have posted a banned item, we will ask you to take it down or remove it ourselves.

The list (non-exhaustive) below details what cannot be posted on SellFree, in alphabetical order:


Adult toys or other erotic products

Adverts for sexual services are not accepted.

Adverts for escort services are not accepted.

R18 classified videos or DVDs may not be advertised.

Non BBFC classified videos or DVDs may not be advertised.

If your feel your advertisement has been declined by us incorrectly, please provide us with the film’s BBFC classification reference.


We do not accept adverts of alcohol.


We have a separate policy on selling and buying animals at which can be found here.

Black Magic and other spells

We do not allow any ads that promotes or offer any services relating to black magic and any other spells due to ethical and moral issues.

Botox and Dermal Fillers

Including related equipment and services

Business Opportunities

MLM schemes that generate income solely through recruiting new members may not be advertised.

Adverts for business opportunities must clearly state the product or service to be sold, whether any upfront payment is required and whether the work involves the recruitment of further people to the opportunity.

Capital & Prize bonds

Cigarettes, cigars and related products

Loose tobacco

Electronic cigarette filters and e-liquids (with or without nicotine)

Note: Electronic cigarettes themselves and rolling papers are allowed



Copyright Infringement

Copies or backups of software and games may not be advertised. Games machines that have been chipped or otherwise modified to allow copied games to be played may not be advertised.

Items that exist only in electronic format (software without original media, eBooks etc.) may not be sold without written permission from the copyright holder.

Counterfeit Goods

Ads for products described as knock off, replica, imitation, clove, faux, fake, mirror image, or similar terms when referring to a brand name in attempt to pass themselves off as genuine products of the brand owner

Ads for non-genuine products that mimic brand features in an attempt t pass themselves off as genuine product e.g., non-authentic products that have brand name labels or logos

Counterfeit Money/Notes

Cream chargers (where not explicitly for catering use)

Dangerous chemicals

Drugs and prescription goods

Ads for substances that alter mental state for the purpose of recreation or otherwise induce “highs” e.g., cocaine, crystal meth, heroin and other illegal opioids, marijuana, cocaine substitutes, mephedrone, “legal highs”

Ads for products or services marketed as facilitating recreational drugs use e.g., pipes, bongs, cannabis shops

Ads for instructional content about producing, purchasing, or using recreational drugs e.g., forums to exchange tips or recommendations on drug use

Digital goods

Domain names



FIFA coins

Online accounts

Virtual merchandise, including in-game currencies or items

Virtual currencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.)

Note: Asking to be paid for an item or service in a virtual currency is allowed, but the currency itself cannot be sold directly.


Any other digital products

Vouchers and Gift Cards


Products that are designed to explode and could damage to nearby people or property e.g., nail bomb, chemical bomb, firecrackers, grenades.

Any instructional content about the assembly, enhancement, or acquisition of explosive items e.g., bomb-making sites, guides, software, or equipment for 3D printing of parts if grenades.

Fake, replica, or unauthorised trademark items

Financial Services

Businesses advertising consumer loans, credit cards or other services covered under the Consumer Credit Act should be licensed with the Office of Fair Trading and comply with the regulations laid down in the act.

Firearms, ammunition and equipment (even if they’re legal to buy)

Guns, including air guns, BB guns, replica guns, and paintball guns


Ammunition, including ammo for paintball

Note: Paintball equipment not related to the gun (goggles, gloves etc.) are allowed

Hunting equipment

Note: Scopes, straps, and gun cabinets are allowed

Fireworks (of any kind)

Food and Other perishable goods

Anything with an expiration date

Gambling machines

Fruit/slot machines

Gas and electric meter seals

Hate organisations of any kind

Human parts, remains, or services

Blood, bone, and waste

Donor, surrogacy, and fertility services


Sperm and eggs

Used pregnancy tests


Inappropriate contents

Ads that display shocking content or promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination or violence

Items promoting hate, discrimination, or stereotypes of a particular group of people Including gollywogs.


Adverts using or obscene or racist language are not allowed.


We do not accept ads of Lingerie.

Lottery tickets

Massage & Therapy

We do not accept ads about massage and therapies.

Medical Grade PPE


Any type of edible and topical medicine (including herbal and homeopathic etc.) ad is not allowed on our website.

Nazi memorabilia


You should personally own the item or provide the service you are selling (except agents selling or renting property or brokers selling vehicles).

If the item is new, you should have it in stock. We do not accept adverts for items that are to be ‘drop shipped’.

We do not accept adverts for items or services where the advertiser earns a commission through a third party affiliate program.

Parking permits

Tip: If you’d like to give your pass to someone else, get in touch with your local council

Personal information or mailing lists

Bulk emails, Internet Protocol (IP), instant messenger (IM), or mailing lists that contain names, addresses, phone numbers, or other personal info

Tools or software designed to send spam

Premium Rate Telephone Services


Adverts for telephone chat lines and other premium rate services should comply to guidelines set out by the ICSTIS. In particular, they must make clear how much will be charged for the call.

Advertisers using personal numbers beginning 070 should make clear how much will be charged for the call.

Red diesel

Requests for Money

We cannot accept adverts requesting money unless placed by a registered charity. If you are a registered charity, please contact us, quoting your registration number.

Sensitive events

Ads that potentially profit from or exploit a sensitive event with significant social, cultural, or political impact, such as civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, terrorism and related activities, conflict, or mass acts of violence

Ads that claim victims of a sensitive event were responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim blaming

Ads that claim victims of a sensitive event are not deserving of remedy or support

Security tag removal items

Stolen goods

This includes blocked phones or no-signal phones


Including supplements that contain DMAA

Tickets not intended for resale. Including, but not limited to:

Cricket World Cup Tickets. For more information on how to sell Cricket World Cup tickets, please read ICC’s website.

Any other sports tickets.

Train and bus tickets.

Note: Coach tickets are allowed.


Ads for tobacco or any products containing tobacco e.g., cigarettes, cigars, snus, chewing tobacco, rolling tobacco, pipe tobacco

Ads for products that form a component part of a tobacco product, as well as products and services that directly facilitate or promote tobacco consumption e.g., rolling pipes, tobacco filters, hookah lounges, cigar bars

Ads for products designed to simulate tobacco smoking e.g., herbal cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes


Unlocked hardware and software

Copied games, DVDs, and computer software

Fully loaded Kodi, Android, and Amazon boxes

Games consoles

R4 cards (with or without the console)

Unlocking software (software that unlocks any electronic item, like a phone)

Used underwear

Briefs, knickers, thongs, boxer shorts, nappies, and so on

Vehicle Accessories

Devices designed to detect radar may not be advertised.

Devices or software designed to decode radio security devices may not be advertised.


It’s illegal to buy or sell votes.

Weapons and knives

We do not accept adverts for any guns or other firearms.

We also do not accept adverts for deactivated firearms, replica firearms, or any firearm accessories.

Historical and ornamental weapons (like Samurai swords and bayonets)

Spear guns

Advertisements for crossbows and archery sets are not accepted.

Adverts for any kind of knives are not accepted.

Note: While this list is intended to be thorough, we reserve the right to remove any and all content that we feel is inappropriate for SellFree or that interferes with the well-being of the community.

For more information on laws regarding particular product/service, please visit your official government website.


This list was last revised on 20 July 2021.